Welcome To the NightWatch Reborn
The chosen leader of the clan. The Grand Monarch is relied upon for the wisdom, strength, and honor to guide the clan through these dark times. The Grand Monarch is responsible for all aspects of the clan especially growth and prosperity. The Grand Monarch is the paternal/maternal figure and will treat the clan as if it was his blood. The Grand Monarch acts as supreme judge in all matters involving the clan. As such, the Grand Monarch's word is law. The Grand Monarch has full power, and decisions are final.
The Duchess is the Sacred advisor and Co-leader. The Duchess is guided by the spirits of the ancestors, the hidden strength of clan. The Duchess is duty bound to protect the integrity of the clan. The Duchess also acts as the governing body of the clan. The Duchess must also keep the Grand Monarch in check. Any dishonorable decree from the Grand Monarch can be overturned with a majority vote. Duchess hold all powers necessary in the Grand Monarch's absence. Only a majority agreement is needed for any action. Therefore, only the wisest and most honorable can be Duchess
Marquis are aged NightWatchers with great wisdom and experience. Marquis/Marchioness that have been given the honor of a “clan 3rd in Command”. They retain all the most of the power and all the responsibility. Marquis/Machioness tales keep the history and traditions alive and pass along ancient wisdom to the newest Esquire Fledglings.
Count/Countess is the powerful, magnificent, and terrifying to our enemies. Count/Countess inspire greatness within the clan with their valor and prowess. Battle hardened, and forged by the fire of many battles. Their experience puts them in the forefront, often leading the clan upon the field of battle. Only those willing to lead and cunning enough to survive are called Count/Countess. Hence, there are not many of service.
Viscount/Viscountess are Honored for their growing power and admired for the honor they have brought to the clan. Viscount/Viscountess are those that are exemplars of the best qualities within the NightWatch. Viscount/Viscountess are elite NightWatchers that demonstrate utmost strength of character, and are active members within the clan. Viscount/Viscountess are often the enforcers of the clan, putting into action the will of the Grand Monarch. It is also their duty to attend to the lower ranks and make them ready for the day they are called to service the clan.
"My life for the clan!" Barons/Baroness are the heart of the clan. Strong, loyal, and eager. The Baron/Baroness is the strong soldier relied on to get the job done. Whether they need to breach defenses or expected hold the line. They have demonstrated enough bravery to handle the challenges of life in the clan. Also, they have proven they have the honor and spirit to be a NightWatcher. Traits not many in these times possess. Now, they may wear the NightWatcher Title.
Those that keep watcher over and guard the clan. They are the clan reserves, serving selflessly when the need is great. This rank is for alternate characters of clan members. Knight recruitment is allowed and encouraged once you have first become a Esquire Fledgling.
"Work work!" Those that have decided to try and prove they are worthy to be accepted as a member. The peon is a worker who has passed the Trial of Honor. Proven and Worthy. Yet, their service is vital to the clan prosperity. They must struggle to prove worthy of the greater respect. Clan Baron/Baroness & Knights will judge recruits based upon the content of the player's character. We will only accept players that have the integrity to represent the whole clan.
All new recruits will spend a two-week trial period with the clan, known as Trial of Honor. Primarily this time allows the clan to get to know a recruit and vice versa. We want to ensure that recruits have the integrity to uphold clan honor, and to ensure that the recruit can accept the standards and challenges of the guild. They must display maturity, involvement with the clan, etc.
NightWatch Reborn